The President of FICTS – Fédération Internationale Cinéma Télévision Sportifs Prof. Franco Ascani has participated in Lausanne at the IOC headquarters (on 11 and 12 September) – in his capacity as component – at the meeting of the International Olympic Committee Commission for Culture and Olympic Education opened by the IOC President Dr Thomas Bach.

Lausanne, 11 Sett.: FICTS President Prof. Franco Ascani with
President of International Olympic Committee Dr Thomas Bach

During the meeting, were analyzed the operational guidelines of the “Olympic Agenda 2020” which is the document that will establish the program guidelines of the IOC and the Olympic Charter amendments to be approved in the Special Session in Monaco on 8 and 9 December 2014.

Lausanne: IOC  President Dr Thomas Bach with the components of IOC Commission for Culture and Olympic Education


The profitable relationship between FICTS and IOC were realized through promotion of the Olympic images of the TOM Audiovisual Catalogue, the Calendar of the 16 Festivals of the “World FICTS Challenge 2015” World Championship of Cinema and Sport Television, sports and cultural initiatives and other projects in collaboration with the IOC and in particular with the Olympic Museum.